Interview with Mr. World Malta

“Believing in yourself is the most important attitude to be a winner”. This is the positive frame of mind that Daryl Azzopardi had for several months before going on stage on Saturday 19th May at Pjazza Teatru Rjal in Valletta. That night was quite a good one for Daryl as apart from winning the title…

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Why buy a shelf company?

Before entering the business world, research is carried out to foresee how the business will do by analysing both the potential pros and cons. Apart from analysing the amount of paperwork, human resources needed and other aspects, businessmen also ask themselves whether it would be ideal to start a business from scratch or opt for…

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Business support for small businesses or entrepreneurs

Although they say ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, it’s important not to abide by this saying when starting up a business. A professional image builds trust from potential customers and can possibly also increase your list of existing clients.   If you have just started up a new business or are already into…

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Accountant Malta

Keeping the company’s heartbeat alive

Strong client relationships are imperative for any type of company especially in today’s market where competition is always on the increase. For instance, one of Fairwinds Management Limited commitments to keep the company’s heartbeat alive is to provide outstanding service to ensure customers’ satisfaction while also becoming their trusted partner. This is something that the…

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Celebrating the success over the years

January 2012 was the start of something bigger than planned. What started as a self-employed venture evolved into the formation of a major holding company of a diversified group of 9 companies operating in 8 sectors: Corporate services Accounting Marketing Currency Exchange Auditing Property Recruitment Administration Two of the major companies, Fairwinds Management Limited and…

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Maltese Government approves three Crypto bills

27.06.2018   The Maltese Parliament yesterday voted unanimously to approve three crypto currency and blockchain bills. These bills that are designed to make Malta one of the most important and desirable locations in the blockchain space should now facilitate the setting up of further companies in this sector. In a tweet shortly after the vote,…

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Malta Residency and Visa Programme

26.06.2018 The Malta Residency and Visa Programme (MRVP) is an incredible opportunity for the right individuals who want to reside and invest in Malta. The programme is geared towards attracting third-country nationals of good standing, entitling them to residency rights in Malta in the shape of a Malta Residence Permit.   The MRVP has become…

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Accountant Malta

Accounting – the lifeblood of a business

19.06.2018 Running a successful business is crucial for any type of company, being it a start-up, a small or medium sized enterprise or even a large company. Although every decision has an extensive impact on the company’s future, the most important decisions are those associated with its financial aspects. In fact, accounting is often considered…

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Accountant Malta

The Importance of Know Your Customer (KYC)

12.06.2018 In today’s increasingly globalised world, business that would have once been conducted face to face, is now conducted via email, or with the click of a few buttons. Whilst this is great news for clients, it means that companies need to take extra care to ensure that money launderers, criminals, and other nefarious individuals…

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A passport for your success

05.06.2018 In such a difficult business world it is essential to own the necessary tools that will take you to success. Having a second citizenship with a passport is the ultimate document that guarantees your freedom of movement to make business internationally without the hassle of applying for and waiting weeks on weeks for entry…

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