Redomiciliation of companies refers to a continuation of a company from one jurisdiction to another. According to The Continuation of Companies Regulations (Legal Notice 344 of 2002 as amended by Legal Notice 352 of 2003 and 181 and 186 of 2006), this provides for two purposes; the continuation outside Malta of a company incorporated in Malta, and the continuation in Malta of a foreign company without having to wind up the foreign business.
The number of foreign investors choosing to redomicile and relocate their business to Malta is always on the increase. The Maltese jurisdiction has become more attractive over the years as it offers advantageous fiscal and social benefits as well as a stable economic ecosystem to both start-ups and established companies.
Relocating to Malta means that the business will have access to a well-educated, trained and skilled workforce that is mostly able to speak in different languages. There is also an excellent relationship between locals, expats and businesses, ensuring that moving to our islands and doing business in Malta will be relatively painless and the relocation process will run smooth.
Our professional and experienced team at Fairwinds Management Limited will ensure that by planning everything in advance. We provide assistance to businesses in every step of a Malta company incorporation, from the initial stages to the day-to-day running of the corporate company requirements. These include introduction to financial institutions, company maintenance services, and applying for VAT and tax numbers.