New Residency Plan

14.07.2020 New details have been published about the changes that will be made to the Malta Individual Investor Programme (IIP). Since this is reaching its cap of 1,800 applications, a new residency programme will replace the IIP as we know it by the last quarter of 2020. MIIPA, the Agency managing the current programme will…

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7 years later

8.07.2020 Today, we at Fairwinds Management Limited, together with our partner company Accounting Services Ltd celebrated our 7th year of operations, both companies forming part of the well-known group of companies, Business Concept International plc. Throughout the past 7 years, both companies faced challenges and achievements, while always keeping the same level of professionalism and…

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Accountant Malta

Property Law

7.07.2020 Are you buying, developing, renting or leasing residential or commercial property? Whether you are a company or an individual (foreigner or local citizen), it is important to be aware of the rights linked with property acquisition before entering into such an important deal. Lack of information or misinformation could lead to several complications. In…

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open company Malta

Avoid any risks of money laundering activities

30.06.2020 Among the many regulations that businesses have to abide to, the most important legislations that are to be followed and met, not just in Malta but also in other countries, are those related to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Funding of Terrorism (CFT). The stringent obligations can only be met once a firm…

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Accountant Malta

Banking solutions

23.06.2020 As a result of money laundering and terrorism financing, in the past few years, banking has gone through some drastic changes globally, and this does not exclude Malta from the equation. Although it has become challenging to open a bank account without delays when compared to even just five years ago, a bank account…

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create company Malta

Staying on top of your game

16.06.2020 Cash flow is the primary element that determines whether a business of any type and size will live or die. A business can grow and succeed by having all accounts in order; this will lead a company or self-employed person to provide correct and complete accounting information whenever requested. Thus, staying on top of…

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Accountant Malta

More incentives for businesses

9.06.2020 Yesterday, the Government announced more incentives for businesses to help them get back on their foot following the setbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that has effected the Maltese islands since March. Here’s a summary of what has been announced on 8th June during the COVID-19 economic package related to businesses to help re-boost…

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Accountant Malta

Easy guide through self-employment

2.06.2020 Social Security contribution payments, VAT and Tax are the three main aspects that anyone who is venturing into self-employment, be it on a part-time or full-time basis should deal with. Due to the tax benefits that are present in Malta, many are those that decide to start off their start-up business as a self-employed…

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Accountant Malta

COVID-19 and its effect on iGaming

26.05.2020 The outbreak of Coronavirus in Malta in early March has since left numerous effects on the Maltese economy, forcing people to change the way they live and the way that businesses operate, paving way to the digital world. Although iGaming is an online industry, it still faces a number of challenges, and throughout the…

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Accountant Malta

Multiculturalism reaps positive results in companies

19.05.2020 A diverse workforce, which is more evident nowadays due to the increase of movement of people from one country to another, leaves positive impacts on both employees and employers. Living in such a globalized and multicultural world results in different cultures being present within a single organisation, allowing employees to interact with people from…

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