Sciberras AdvocatesAccountant Malta

Schemes to support your business

16.02.2021 Incentives have always played a vital role in the operational aspect of a business as they aid in the financial burdens that are encountered daily.   The past months presented businesses all over the world with constant challenges to adapt to new scenarios that weren’t experienced before, and thus schemes to support businesses have…

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Accountant Malta

Customer Due Diligence: Its purpose and power

9.02.2021 When setting up a new business, one tends to focus on how to attract and retain customers in order to ensure that a business is successful and profitable. For us a corporate service provider, engaging a new customers is an important milestone, and here is where the due diligence process comes in… getting to…

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Create company Malta

An advantageous tax refund system

This tax system has been in place since 1948 and it favours Malta and encourages businesses who are seeking to start up a business in an EU country, to relocate in the Maltese islands. Any company incorporated in Malta is entitled to apply for a tax refund. This means that although companies are taxed at…

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Create company Malta

Assistance from business experts

26.01.2021 Business consultancy, although is an extra cost, is essential to any type of business as it helps to identify strengths and weaknesses while seeking new opportunities. It also eliminates any threats to the entity that is seeking to improve. Business priorities change from time to time, and last year was a proof. Businesses had…

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Create company Malta

Invested in 2020? Look here!

Eligibility in brief: This scheme is eligible to enterprises that do not employ more than 30 employees and whose turnover do not exceed €10m during the year in which costs were incurred. Examples of eligible capital investments include costs related to furbishing, refurbishing and upgrading of business premises, purchasing of machinery, instruments and motor vehicles…

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Create company Malta

Redomiciling a business to a foreign country

12.01.2021 Businesses thinking about continuing their business operations in a different jurisdiction, can do so without winding up the company in the foreign country. Thanks to The Continuation of Companies Regulations (Legal Notice 344 of 2002 as amended by Legal Notice 352 of 2003 and 181 and 186 of 2006), a company incorporated in Malta…

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Accountant Malta

Accounting Services – your key to business success

04.01.2022 Keeping a business afloat can only be achieved by staying organised, having business development plans in place and maintaining a constant healthy cashflow. This will enable a business to forecast for the future. That is why staying on top of all your accounting is the key to success. A business can grow and succeed…

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Create company Malta

Christmas wishes

Christmas is literally round the corner and as we do every year, we try to share our Christmas spirit with you, this year under different circumstances and with limited festivities. In fact, due to the restrictions imposed on our social lives to help in decreasing the spread of COVID-19, we did not organise the Annual…

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Create company Malta

Helping others through Corporate Social Responsibility

15.12.2020 It is a well known fact that 2020 has been a challenging year for business operating in different sectors as they faced and are still facing challenges amidst the coronavirus pandemic, creating cashflow problems, among others. Money-related issues will recover in time, but unfortunately there are individuals and families in society that face daily…

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