open company Malta

Applying for an iGaming license

13.10.2020 Malta is renowned as a leading jurisdiction for the regulation of iGaming. Companies incorporated in Malta receive fiscal incentives such as refunds on dividends, double taxation relief as well as reduced rates of income tax on personal income. All this makes Malta more attractive for iGaming businesses to settle in.     In order to…

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open company Malta

Striking off a Limited Company

Below are some of the things that need to be handled in terms of company liquidation, to have an idea of what the process entails: Deregister from VAT Deactivate PE number Cancel business license Cancel company’s entry in the business registry Fulfil any outstanding social security obligations Ensure that all tax returns are filed Close…

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Accountant Malta

Legal Advice

29.09.2020 Are you in the process of setting up a trust or a foundation? Or maybe you need assistance in drafting a contract? Legal and advisory services can be provided by qualified legal professionals to people who come across any complex issue and need advice from experts in the field to provide them with a…

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Accountant Malta

Combating threats by criminals and terrorists

22.09.2020 In the 1990s, the European Union adopted the first anti-money laundering (AML) directive. Years later, after the 9/11 attacks, gatekeepers around the globe such as banks have been applying more measures to prevent the misuse of the financial system to prevent money laundering while also combating the financing of terrorism (CFT).  In addition to…

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Accountant Malta

Should I trademark my business?

15.09.2020 Are you looking to create your own brand identity and securing it? Trademark it! The local Trademarks Act identifies that a “trademark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), figurative element, letters, numerals or the shape of good of their packaging”. This or a combination of these elements will help one to…

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Accountant Malta

Smart Outsourcing

1.09.2020 If you are a self-employed person or run a business and you’re currently frustrated with the volume of work and can’t keep up with your administration work, we are presenting you with a solution – back office support outsourcing. It is a well known fact that although administration work is very important, it’s rarely…

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Accountant Malta

The New Refund Scheme on Port Charges

The first one applies for ships entering Malta’s ports with cargo between December 2019 and May 2020 and it offers a 35% refund on port charges, pilotage charges and berthing service charges. The second one applies to those operating with trailers and containers in importation and exportation, where every trailer is eligible for €40 and…

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Accountant Malta

Financial Consultancy

4.08.2020 Are you currently looking into options on how your business can grow? Or would you like to start exploring new available options? Our advice is to start off by meeting up with a financial advisor who will provide you with a clear picture of your company’s financial situation. A financial consultant offers a number…

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Accountant Malta

Funding opportunities for businesses

28.07.2020 Business owners of any type and size are always on the lookout for possibilities on how to improve their access to more financing to remain competitive in the market. Such opportunities are possible through funding by the European Union.   Below are some of the financial opportunities that businesses can tap into: Business Enhance…

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set up company Malta

How easy is it to incorporate a company?

21.07.2020 Incorporating a new company in Malta or offshore has never been an easy decision to take especially today as it requires more paperwork including business planning, necessary consultation sessions, submitting documents and so much more. Yet, there are still ways how this process can eliminate headaches and setting up a company can still be…

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