Making friends with your accountant

If you own a business, don’t talk to your accountant only during the tax season, and treat your accountant as your trusted business partner and your friend, then you’re doing it all right. If you’re not doing this, then here’s why you should start doing this as soon as possible:   Accountants have useful contacts…

Accountant Malta

The way forward for Malta bank accounts

11.09.2018 Thanks to technology, the world is becoming increasingly smaller and business nowadays is not done locally anymore. Despite this, the difficulties are still there, and every business person knows how hard it is to work internationally. Many businesses are currently enjoying the excellent business environment and opportunities that Malta offers however it’s not all…

Why keep your books up to date?

Any business, whether small, medium or large does frequent transactions that should be recorded to keep track of all financial activity that’s happening from and to the business. Although large businesses may have more financial activities than others, it is important just the same for small or medium companies to stay organised and record all…

Accountant Malta

Starting or improving a business?

Being a business owner has multiple benefits and struggles, with the most exciting part of this venture is being able to watch your dreams become a reality thanks to your hard work and commitment.   When starting up or improving a business, it is of utmost importance to discuss your plans with a professional business…

Accountant Malta

Digital banking is the new banking

We keep on hearing about the difficulties in opening a bank account be it in Malta and worldwide. What are the alternatives? Digital banking is the answer. There are various electronic money institutions that can provide customers with commercial transactions, such institutions are also called digital banks.   A company without a bank account cannot…

Looking for a career in Europe?

07.08.2018 Do you imagine yourself living and working on a safe island where the sun shines about 300 days a year?   Although small in size, the Maltese islands, that were once a British colony, are always on the lookout for new and talented workforce in a number of sectors and industries. High demands for…

Interview with Mr. World Malta

“Believing in yourself is the most important attitude to be a winner”. This is the positive frame of mind that Daryl Azzopardi had for several months before going on stage on Saturday 19th May at Pjazza Teatru Rjal in Valletta. That night was quite a good one for Daryl as apart from winning the title…

Why buy a shelf company?

Before entering the business world, research is carried out to foresee how the business will do by analysing both the potential pros and cons. Apart from analysing the amount of paperwork, human resources needed and other aspects, businessmen also ask themselves whether it would be ideal to start a business from scratch or opt for…