Accountant Malta

Get a virtual address for your business

6.07.2021 The COVID-19 pandemic brought a change in the workplaces, not about the way we work but from where we work. Unfortunately, the crisis forced a number of businesses to take tough decisions such as closing down for good or make some people redundant. Others sought other alternatives such as reducing costs by ending the…

Accountant Malta

Why is a legal opinion important?

22.06.2021 A legal opinion, most often referred to as an ‘opinion letter’ is a valuable document issued by a law firm expressing a legal analysis of a specific issue, matter, or transaction. This will protect the letter’s recipeint by informing him/her of the legal effect resulting from the proposed transaction. Since usually such letter is…

Accountant Malta

Assisting businesses in finding the right fit

15.06.2021 Recruitment is not an easy task in today’s advanced world where individuals are constantly head-hunted and offered opportunities on social networks even if they have never been personally introduced to one another. Many large companies set up Human Resources departments specifically to handle talent acquisition but smaller companies and start-ups might find it difficult…

Accountant Malta

Residency permit for digital nomads

8.06.2021 Thanks to telecommunication technologies, digital nomads from the European Union have been settling in Malta for quite some time to benefit from the Islands’ lifestyle and mult-cultural environment, great climate and connectivity. Last week, the Government of Malta took a step further to accomodate more digital nomads outside of the European Union who would…

Accountant Malta

It’s confirmed! Malta passes MONEYVAL

1.06.2021 The Maltese islands made significant progress in the battle against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML CFT). An assessment that was published late last week by MONEYVAL confirmed that Malta is no longer “non-compliant” or “partially compliant” as it met general expectations following a number of shortcomings that were identified by the…

Accountant Malta

Malta passes MONEYVAL assessment

4.05.2021 Towards the end of last week, a positive vote in Strasbourg lead to Malta passing the MONEYVAL test. This news comes after the Maltese islands strengthened the country’s anti-money laundering system in the past months. This process was based on 58 recommendations that were given to the local authorities after failing an initial review…

Accountant Malta

Malta – an ideal business hub

27.04.2021 Over the years, and especially more recently due to Brexit, the Maltese islands have become highly attractive to conduct business in the European Union. Many ask … why are numerous companies choosing to relocate to Malta especially after United Kingdom and Northern Ireland left the European Union? In addition to being a perfect business…

Accountant Malta

What is AML compliance?

20.04.2021 In the past weeks, due to emerging news of money laundering activities, we all have been unconsciously more aware of the implications of such illegal activities. Thanks to this, now everyone can understand better why it is very important to have Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures in place – to help stop financial crime. Although…