Accountant Malta

Updates related to COVID-19

12.05.2020 It’s been over 2 months since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Malta, and since then, students, parents, self-employed people, SME’s and employees in various industries have received assistance from the Government in one way or another. In the past days, two measures that will certainly help businesses have been extended: Deferral of Tax Payments…

Accountant Malta

Challenges faced by businesses

5.05.2020 Setting up and running a business is not an easy task especially for those that weren’t established for too long and for those that are still possibly learning where they stand within their respective niche markets that includes their own competition. This presents companies with several daily challenges that business owners have to think…

Malta company formation

Seeing your organisation from a different lens

In this way, relevant stakeholders will better understand the situation within an organisation. Shifting between lenses to analyse an organisation from different viewpoints, will lead to an organisation’s success as the analysis will include a more complete perspective. Apart from improving operational efficiencies, this will lead an organisation to help protect assets and reduce any…

set up company Malta

How can business experts help you?

14.04.2020 Have you ever wondered how business advisors and consultants can help improve your business and succeed? Do you think that your business has some room for improvement, or you would like to change the sector you operate in but you’re unsure whether or from where you should seek professional assistance? This article will focus…

Accountant Malta

Assistance to benefit from fiscal measures

8.04.2020 Postponement of income-tax, and support to employers and self-employed who invested in technology to enable teleworking are just two of the incentives that have been announced by the Government and one can apply for. There are also other measures that impact both the employer and employee directly. Such measures include: An additional two-month paid leave at…

Accountant Malta

Challenges faced by businesses

06.04.2020 Are you a business owner or employee and currently worried about the changes that have been introduced since the coronavirus outbreak in Malta? In the past days, the Department of Industrial and Employment Relations (DIER) published a list of FAQs in relation to the conditions of work during COVID-19, that may answer any questions…

Malta company

iGaming in Malta

17.03.2020 One of Malta’s success stories for its economy is the iGaming industry. It all started when in 2004, Malta was listed as the first ever EU member state to enact a comprehensive legislation on remote gaming. Thanks to this important step, the Maltese islands have since attracted many business opportunities and are considered to…