Malta Residency

EU Nationals: How to obtain a Residency Card

28.06.2022 Anyone who relocates to Malta needs to sort out their papers and status with the relevant authorities, such as residential address, applying with Jobsplus and obtain a Social Security number. This article will explain how to obtain a Maltese Residence Identity Card for EU nationals. EU nationals that relocate to Malta, whether they are…

Accountant Malta

Why trademark your business?

21.06.2022 The local Trademarks Act identifies that a “trademark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), figurative element, letters, numerals or the shape of good of their packaging”. This or a combination of these elements will help one to distinguish a specific business, goods or services. A trademark (TM) helps businesses secure the…

open company Malta

Company dissolution: The process

14.06.2022 When you are operating a company, there might be a time that for a reason or another, you will want to close the company and put it into dissolution. This is called Member’s Voluntary Winding Up. Striking off a company from the Malta Business Registry, involves a process with several steps. Under the Maltese…

Accountant Malta

Efficient outsourcing

08.06.2022 The business practice of hiring an outside third-party to perform certain services or tasks is normally a cost-cutting measure. This is outsourcing, sometimes also called contracting out or business process outsourcing. Nowadays companies can outsource several tasks or services such as programming and application development, a full IT department, payroll services, call centres, marketing…