Payroll Services Malta

Efficient payroll management

24.07.2024 If your business employs individuals, you are required to maintain detailed wage records. This includes documenting all sums paid as salaries, allowances, and bonuses, as well as all related deductions for Social Security Contributions (SSC) / National Insurance (NI), and taxes. This statutory requirement applies from the date of an employee’s commencement, up to…

Payroll Services Malta

The value of payroll

30.01.2024 Payroll accuracy is important for several reasons, and its importance extends to both employees and employers. Accurate payroll ensures that employees are paid the correct amount and on time and this contributes to building trust and maintaining high morale among employees. When people receive the correct compensation for their work, they feel valued and…

Payroll Services Malta

Payroll management

22.11.2023 Achieving a seamless integration of time and cost savings, coupled with compliance, is the essence of an ideal scenario that every business wishes to have when in comes to anything related to payroll services, accounting services and more. Optimising operational efficiency and fiscal responsibility are paramount objectives for any thriving business. In the realm…