A diverse workforce, which is more evident nowadays due to the increase of movement of people from one country to another, leaves positive impacts on both employees and employers. Living in such a globalized and multicultural world results in different cultures being present within a single organisation, allowing employees to interact with people from all sorts of backgrounds, irrelevant of culture, race, sex and religion.
Although building a multicultural workforce might seem challenging at first, especially to translate it into an effective teamwork, it will surely result into a healthier company, with more effective internal operations, increase in productivity and eventually greater profits.
Employees will be able to communicate better with foreign clients and become aware of cross-cultural business etiquette. This will result in more effective interaction across cultural barriers as people understand and learn to respect other cultures. Thinking outside of the box will become easier too as employees will be exposed daily to different perspectives. In fact, research by Harvard Business School Professor Roy Y.J. Chua explains “The more your network includes individuals from different cultural backgrounds, the more you will be creatively stimulated by different ideas and perspectives.”
Moreover, exposure to foreign languages means that employees might have the opportunity to practice and stay fluent in another language that they might already know, or else start learning a new language.
Having employees from different countries might also help expand the client database by having new foreign clients added to the list. In addition to this, a diverse workplace will mean a possibility of also increasing a company’s market share.
These and more results will only happen to a company if it embraces change and includes a diversity of people of different cultural backgrounds. Our major holding company Business Concept International plc is a testimony of such a multicultural workforce.