Over the years, and especially more recently due to Brexit, the Maltese islands have become highly attractive to conduct business in the European Union.
Many ask … why are numerous companies choosing to relocate to Malta especially after United Kingdom and Northern Ireland left the European Union?
In addition to being a perfect business hub offering tax advantages, the Maltese islands offer a well-educated and highly skilled workforce, and a population that its majority speaks fluent English together with another third language apart from Maltese. This makes it easy for them to communicate with foreigners relocating their business to Malta.
Moreover, Malta’s success in providing low gaming tax, made it possible to attract gaming and financial companies in the past years to relocate here. This paved way to encourage other companies follow suit and benefit from a stable economic ecosystem to both start-ups and established companies.
It is important to note that the relationship that locals, expats, and businesses build in Malta is a remarkable one. This ensures that the entire process will run smooth and conducting business in Malta will be relatively painless.
It takes lot of detailed planning and time for a successful business and office relocation to happen. However, a Corporate Services Provider like Fairwinds Management Limited will help businesses make their relocation process to the island as smooth as possible.
The professional team at Fairwinds helps businesses from the very first steps of incorporating a company in Malta to the day-to-day running of the company such as company maintenance services, applying for VAT and tax returns, and more.
If your company is currently looking to relocate to Malta, get in touch with one of our directors, Mr Conrad Meli FCCA, MIA, CPA on cmeli@accountingservices.com.mt.