During these times employing someone has become an arduous task since there is little workforce available locally. If you are an employer seeking to recruit you know this very well. If you are looking into employing Third Country Nationals (TCNs), you also know this could be a headache for you especially if you do not have a dedicated HR or admin team. Anyone who is not a Maltese or a EU citizen must apply for a Single Work Permit in Malta. This post today shows you briefly the process of how it is done.
Once you have found the right candidate for the job and it has been accepted and agreed upon, you will need to create a structured job description and a contract between yourself as the employer and the new employee. Application forms must be filled up, together with copies of full passport, certificates and reference letter and a CV. Once these are all in hand one can apply for the work permit in Malta.
When the application is processed and everything will be confirmed, the applicant will receive an approval in principal letter by which he or she can obtain a travel visa. The applicant must apply for a visa from the nearest Embassy/Consulate for Malta in his or her home country where they will be required to present certain documentation as a proof for why they are requesting a visa. The required documentation varies from one Embassy/Consulate to another. Very often the applicant will also need to attend an interview.
Once the applicant is granted the visa he or she can travel to Malta, and once here one will need to apply for the Maltese residence card. To apply for this, one will need to show a valid visa, a lease agreement for residence and a declaration form, a health insurance, medical tests and a signed health form and a Jobsplus engagement form.
We know all these processes can be quite overwhelming and time consuming, as it involves a lot of paperwork, chasing, organising and applying with different entities. If you need assistance with such paperwork for Single Work Permits for TCNs, our team can assist you and handle the full employment and residency process on your behalf. Read more here: https://fairwindsmanagement.net/services/administration/schengen-work-permit-residency.
For a quote please contact one of Fairwinds Management Directors, Ms Joceline Caruana on jcaruana@fairwindsmanagement.net.