Accountant Malta

Self-employed in Malta

30.08.2022 Setting up yourself as a freelancer in Malta to run your new business venture can be a big step… VAT registration and VAT returns, Jobsplus application, social security contributions, taxes, administration, marketing, bookkeeping, management reports. Do you have what it takes for a self-employed lifestyle? If you are ready for the next step, have…

Accounting startups

Accounting mistakes startups do

09.08.2022 Bookkeeping and accounting are crucial for any business to succeed. Without regular bookkeeping and accounting activities a business will not really be able to determine profit and losses, and ending up with a mess of receipts, expenses, and no accounting books to refer to can become a nightmare. Starting up a business is exciting…

Startups Malta

Generation startups

02.08.2022 Startups and newly formed ventures are key players to new economy, generating money and contributing to the country’s GDP. Building a competitive economy and attracting foreign direct investments (FDI) should be a key part of any modern and solid country. Startups normally bring innovative strategies targeted to accelerate growth and economic diversification, and ready…